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Complex TurkshL

Being quarter Turkish brings a back hidden past of pain and bottled up emotions, sentiments from my fathers side and a tender, more loving companion from my mothers side.

It gets even more complicated when it gets brought up to my Armenian friends. I guess they know something too and since we're united together in Palestine different wars tear us apart, like two villains brought together in different times.

So leaving to the new world might sound like the answer, and there you were also called being mistakingly called Turkish. Can there be a more degrading term to an already degraded Palestinian in Israel with a no name? It feels like a fake bravado,specially if you take into account the harsh treatment of the none Turks by the Ottomans in the past century, Maybe it was a blessing in disguise?

Well things get a bit more complicated when you consider the demographics and Geography. The middle east is very diverse, so you try to be as naturally polite (or maybe unintentionally rude). There people will get so irritated by you really fast so you isolate. You might get a little bit too carried away that you will catch some unwanted habits, crash into accidents that will turn you into a different state. At that point it becomes hard  to take sides since the one you're trying to reconciliate with is raging a war inside of you without even pressing a button my dear cousin. You will point the blame at yourself, wait optimistically in a blue cage inside what they call nowadays the red India.

Learn love from your old fellows and it will last. This is dedicated to all the people who fall within the older demographic. We've been through harder times, and If you're mother is Colombian like me, always try you're best to behave, but if you flip out and go out to the doubt road,  call it Jynx and return to your old fellows.

Be Humble and social distance with love

"Old people need old people, but they also need the young, and young people need contact with the old"

quote taken from "A Pattern Language"

Hopefully someday we can all cry together


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