Sexto 2014
Mi primera experiencia con el Urbanismo, y la primera vez que hice un proyecto de taller en grupo fue Con mis compañeras Andrea Ariño y Paola Medina. Me acuerdo visualizar la universidad como una versión menor de la ciudad.
En el diagnostico que hicimos concluimos que no había la conectividad necesaria entre su componentes, y faltaban espacios democráticos de estudio, tranquilidad, y confort. Entonces nuestra respuesta consistía en generar un eje respirador conectando los dos accesos de la universidad. Este era nuestro sueño que la universidad sea mas de sus estudiantes, igual a la ciudad mas para sus ciudadanos porque todos tienen derecho a ciudad.
2022: looking back at this definitely was a great experience learned alot from them and their talents wish i could´ve been more involved but no regrets
Iremember this teacher that gave us most of the subjects for 7th semester, he was chill but very demanding he gave us theory, planing, lanscape and an optional workshop which i opted to avoid since we were taking alot of material with him and i knew it was gong t be tvery hard, however..
His classes were some of the most enjoyable and included trips to different departments and architectural sites.
I remember that semester turning out to be a total disaster, bc i barely passed again (was in a similar situation during 4th and 5th sems) but this was much worse since the quality of my work was similar to first year students and this was what 3rd?
The only bright spot during that period were the sketches drawn with Walberto done with a cheap genius tablet this wouldve was the easier road looking back now..
Ive always hid behind good groups or easy non interesting classes. Had a hard time finfinf a steady group i was doing nothin except for practicing caligraphy,stealing projects and making the wrong relationships. These decisions have affected me for years to come. I am ready now to let go and announce my return to seriousness and commitment.
Ive always hid behind good groups or easy non interesting classes. Had a hard time finfinf a steady group i was doing nothin except for practicing caligraphy,stealing projects and making the wrong relationships. These decisions have affected me for years to come. I am ready now to let go and announce my return to seriousness and commitment.
The last time ive spent time with wals was during my 4th year as i was doing the photshop of the masterplan, he loved and an was very supportive, contrary to my initial impression of him,.
y manglares planet of lana
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